Adult Day Support & HPC
Ability Works strives to create a world where all people with disabilities are welcome and fully included in valued roles wherever they go, whether a school, workplace, volunteer group, home or any other part of the community.
Community integration is designed to help individuals to optimize their personal, social, and vocational competencies to live successfully in the community. Individuals served are active partners in determining the activities they desire to participate in.
Adult Day Support helps a person build connections in their community. With this service, people can learn about the following:
How to meet and talk with new people
What activities are in their community
How to get to places independently
What jobs are available in their area
While taking part in Adult Day Support services, a person can also have help with personal care, such as going to the restroom, eating meals, and taking medication.

“It is so important to enable people to use their Abilities and TALENTS to support themselves.”
– Dr. Temple Grandin

Homemaker Personal Care
Homemaker/Personal Care, often called HPC, supports a person to be more independent while meeting their daily living needs. Direct service providers help people with household chores and personal care, including things like:
Getting dressed and keeping clean
Planning menus, shopping, and preparing meals
Managing money to pay household bills
Cleaning and doing laundry
Getting out and being a part of the community and participating in recreational activities
Assisting with scheduling and attending appointments
HPC also includes support that improves a person’s ability to express their opinions and choices.
“There is no greater disability in society, than the inability to see a person as more.”
- Robert M. Hensel

Supportive Technology
As part of DODD's Supportive Technology-based services, Ability Works helps to integrate technology into an individual's life. This can be remote support through a video call, or Assistive Technology.
Billing Units, Service Codes, and Payment Rates
There shall be no cost of services for individuals who are determined eligible for services by the County Board of DD or OOD. For those individuals not covered under one of these funding sources we do accept private pay, which is reviewed on a case-by-case basis. All services will be charged at the established Medicaid rate.