Career Planning
& Employment
Our Supported Employment Department assists individuals with developmental disabilities in preparing for the workforce and finding employment. In accordance with the Ohio Employment First initiative, our team works to help all individuals find community employment with competitive wages.
We work to find the job placement that best fits each individual’s needs, working closely with Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD), and the Department of Ohioans with Developmental Disabilities (DODD).
Our team is CARF certified and maintains compliance, licensure rules, and eligibility through OOD and DODD. All of our services can be funded by referral, funding sources, or private pay.
Job Development, Coaching, and Retention
Our Supported Employment staff is with you every step of the employment process, from building your resume, to on-the-job training. Our job developers assist individuals through the job application process by assisting them in preparing resumes, preparing for interviews, and more. Our job coaches provide support

“I choose not to place ‘DIS’, in my ability.” ― Robert M. Hensel

Career Exploration, Community Based Assessments, and Career Discovery
These services help to determine an individual's career readiness. These hands-on approaches use various assessments, job shadowing, interview, and more to determine what your next step should be in the Community Employment Process.
“The world needs different kinds of minds to work together.” – Dr. Temple Grandin
Youth Transition Services
Pre Employment Transition Services
This is intended to help students with disabilities starting at age 14, explore career interests, and train for workforce readiness. We provide classes in self-advocacy, workplace readiness training, job exploration counseling, work-based learning, and counseling on post-secondary options.
Summer Youth Work Experience
Work experiences are offered to transition students at various employers in the community. Students will have hands-on training and gain the skills needed to work in the community. They will be assessed on their work behaviors, communications skills, and how well they can perform job duties.

Travel Training
This service provides learning and work experiences, including volunteer work. It helps to develop skills that lead to integrated community employment in a job that matches the individual's interests, strengths, priorities, and abilities.
Billing Units, Service Codes, and Payment Rates
There shall be no cost of services for individuals who are determined eligible for services by the County Board of DD or OOD. For those individuals not covered under one of these funding sources we do accept private pay, which is reviewed on a case-by-case basis. All services will be charged at the established Medicaid rate.
Employment Partners