152 golfers came out on an overcast day to support Ability Works. On May 21st we hosted our first golf scramble at Thunderbird North.
Golfers came out early in the morning for an 8 AM shotgun start. There were friends of staff, teams from our sponsors, and many more groups who came out. Thankfully the rain held out till the scramble was over and our volunteers got everything packed into their cars.

Thanks to a donation for a full team, we had two individuals from our day programs play on a team with staff and a friend!
Golfers gave a lot of cash to the 50/50 with the winning pot being $500! Then during the luncheon, they were able to bid on a variety of baskets including a Browns helmet signed by Denzel Ward. Thanks to all our golfers and sponsors we raised over $10,000 that will go directly to Ability Works!
To see all the pictures from the scramble, click here