Our Services
For over 45 years, Ability Works, Inc. has provided quality supports and services. We believe all people with intellectual and or developmental disabilities benefit when fully included in community life. We believe that employment enriches and adds meaning to every life.

To receive services from Ability Works you must have a disability. Eligibility is open to all persons with disabilities deemed eligible through the County Board of Developmental Disabilities or from Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD).
County Board of DD services are provided to eligible children and adults with a qualifying developmental disability that has been manifested before the age of 22 and must be likely to continue indefinitely.
There shall be no cost of services for individuals who are determined eligible for services by the County Board of DD or OOD. For those individuals not covered under one of these funding sources, we do accept private pay, which is reviewed on a case-by-case basis. All services will be charged at the established Medicaid rate.